Monday, May 2, 2005

Team Members

Kiran Manral, 39 (Mumbai) - Founder

Director, Karma Communications, freelance journalist and Blogger. ; 022-28415779 (O)

Formed IH thinking
India Helps is the culmination of a growing sense of unease, frustration and anger that had been building up within me for a very long while. Each time bomb blasts, floods, riots, and tragedies both natural and man-made, ripped India, I would agonise over my inability to do anything to help. And would wonder, what if it had been me. It took the brutality of 26/11/08 to shake me out of my stupor and decide that it was time I got down to doing something for the victims. On however small a scale. So started the blog, Bloggers and readers joined in, and this became a movement. A movement of the people, for the people. We are all here to help out, in the best way we can. Because if we don't help each other, no one will.

Parul Sharma (Mumbai) - Founder Member

Market Researcher, Writer

With IH because
Sickened to the core after the attacks on my city and my country, I wanted to help out the innocent people affected by the attacks and somehow be involved in the process of rebuilding this nation, this time as an active participant.

Prachi Gupta, 29 (Mumbai) - Founder Member

Market Researcher
With IH because
Angry and grieved by the horrible incidents around us, I felt that I had to do my part in helping, changing things. India Helps was just the focused and combined effort that made sure that every bit of time, effort, emotion and money counted.

Priyanka Chaturvedi, 30 (Mumbai) - Founder Member

With IH because
Seeing my city being held to ransom on 26/11 made me realize that I had to make a choice – either I could forget this as another unfortunate event in our lives or take a stand and try to contribute in whichever way I could. I chose the latter.

Rohini Haldea, 32 (Mumbai) - Founder Member

Marketing Professional
With IH because
I feel utterly helpless when a tragedy like the Mumbai attacks happens. I joined India Helps because it gives me the opportunity to do more than just feel bad or donate the odd cheque to a charity.

Suma Nagmote, 25 (Mumbai) - Founder Member

Market Researcher
With IH because
I went to the first IH meeting (knowing only one blogger there) only because I needed to do something to stop feeling so restless – and 'cause I felt like we've to protect our own…

Sumita Naik, 35 (Mumbai) - Founder Member

Advertising Professional
With IH because
I felt helpless just having to watch the events of 26/11. We could also be the unfortunate victims one day. India Helps channelised my frustration and inspires me to ask myself every single day - "Whom have I helped today?

Dilnavaz Bamboat, 30 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

Pediatric Therapist/ Preschool Owner
With IH because
I couldn't sit around anymore, feeling helpless in my rage, with so many people out there needing a helping hand. Thankfully, there were others who felt the same way. I hope we can use the power of the worldwide web to its best potential to help India.

Shyaam Nagarajan, 24 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

Legal Advisor
With IH because
Wanted to do something from my side to help the victims who are usually ignored by the system after a compensation is given. 'Doing something' was a thought and thanks to India Helps, I'm glad I have been able to contribute in a small way.

Sangeeta Irani, 40 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

Advertising and Public Relations Professional
With IH because
Another terror attack... once again. The anger and the need to do something positive with that anger motivated me. I started alone and then I met India Helps. India Helps takes initiative and makes a difference.

Aparna Nair, 24 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

With IH because
Like every other Indian after every calamity I wanted to help but did not know what to do or how to do. A friend of mine took me for the first meeting of India Helps. Now I know I can make a difference and I will.

Devaki Bhujang, 26 (New York) - Core Team Member

Programmer Analyst
With IH because
The 26 November Mumbai attacks affected me with an overwhelming desire to do something – anything I could - to shake off the helplessness I felt. Why wait for the government or anyone else to help, why not do my bit and perhaps the rest would follow?

Sunayana Roy, 26 (Kolkata) - Core Team Member

With IH because
I don’t believe one should criticise what one does not take the trouble to fix. So here I am, trying to fix before I criticise.

Smitha Verma, 31, (New Delhi) Core Team Member

With IH because:

"I joined India Helps to move beyond being just an arm chair volunteer. It has helped me realise that there is a need to spend not just money, but also time in making someone smile."

Gunjan Parulkar, Software Professional (Pune) Core Team Member

With IH because:

"With every terror attack in the country, the first impulse is to check with family and friends at the location and then sit back in the living room watching updates on television. After which the smses with words like 'spirit of the people', 'resilience' etc pour in. I shudder at the thought of families who have lost their dear ones or people who have lived through the trauma. Indiahelps gives me a platform to reach out to them and bring lives to normalcy in whichever way possible. After all,even if this sounds selfish, what goes around comes around is what I believe in."
Vidya Venkatesh (Silicon Valley, CA) - Core Team Member

With IH because
"I felt that it was time to DO something and not just mouth words of sympathy. A group of genuine and enthusiastic people like India Helps is giving me an opportunity to help make a difference."

Renu Jain , 33 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

Web Designer
With IH because
"When I see poor children at a signal or on the street, I sometimes wonder how blessed we are to be gifted with all basic necessities and much more. I feel doing something for such needy children, is one of the ways of acknowledging and thanking God for what he has given us. So through India Helps I am willing to do whatever I can for those who are helpless and need support from people like us."

Lavanya Karthik, 36 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

Environmental Planner, Writer
With IH because

"The Mumbai attacks made me realize that every citizen has to step forward and be the change they expect to see around them. This is my first step."

Preeti Aghalayam 35 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

With IH because
"I am tired of complaining and doing nothing. I particularly like the personal feel of IH, and feel like I can make at least a small contribution. "

Savani Tatake (Washington DC) - Core Team Member

Biotech Software Developer
With IH because
"Everytime a tragedy strikes India, I sit reading about it, a few oceans away, unsure if my contributions sent ever make it to the people intended. When Kiran started India Helps, I was delighted to know that I can make a difference in a way that's immediate."

Sayantani Dutta, 25 (Mumbai) - Core Team Member

With IH because

"I was done sitting around and hoping things would change, but wasn't comfortable just giving out money and thinking I'd done my bit...wanted to do something concrete, be a part of a tangible change. I was introduced to IH by a friend and the hands on philosophy here had me hooked from the word go...IH has today given me reason to hope that it is possible to go beyond rhetorics and actually bring about some positive change."

Radha Gopalakrishnan, 35 (London) - Core Team Member

Risk Management Professional
With IH because
"Indiahelps stood for everything that I believed in. Initially, I was unsure of how I could help out but when they advertised for coordinators round the world, I jumped at the opportunity and so here I am."

Arti Appachu, 32 (Canada) - Core Team Member
IT QA Manager

With IH because

“Even though I've lived away from India for the past 10 years, it's still my home and I want to be able to make that claim by concrete action, rather than just birthright!”


Satyask said...

Kiran, Please do check this out.
I have linked to your blog from here :


printekdigital said...

Hello Friends Welcome To ReayRoad Site
This Site is For the purpose of KawlaBunder Area People About The developtments in the areaOur Area is situated in ReayRoad East near the sea it is Known as Kawla bunder it is 5min Walk from ReayRoad stn (E) since the last 10 years we the people of kawla bunder area could not have proper water supply and proper Road .The Area is Under the Bpt control.Here the Water supply pipe had Damaged Many years ago but there has been no repairing of the pipelines done year till now .The Road also got Damaged in a bad Condition that Its Difficult to walk for the people here .Because of the Damaged Road Taxi men Also get frightened to enter into Our Area.It Becomes problems In Case Of Any Emergency.

Anupama K. Mazumder said...

What to do if one wishes to join? I can atleast air your actions, concerns.. I can write lucid, correct English.