Monday, December 15, 2008

Some pencils, some books...

I watch them every morning, when I go to drop my son to school everyday. With a street school banner hung up behind them, sitting with a band of raggedy children in front of them. A few alphabet charts rolled out in front of them. The adults from the slums from where these children come, stand around, watching intently.

Sometimes ways to help are staring at one right in the face and one doesn't recognise it. And we go running like headless chickens to find things and people one can be of help to.

I'm going to ask them what they need tomorrow. As I see it, slates, chalks, hindi script charts and basic books, books, pencils, erasers, sharpeners and a mat seems to be the first step.

Do you have a street school around your neighbourhood you could help out with basic stationery?

I see these street schools at many pavements across the suburbs in Mumbai at around eight am.

Look around. It won't cost you much.

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